Alliance of Apple Pi Robotics, Team Max and Robo Squad are Runners Up at CT Regional

Apple Pi teamed with FIRST teams 1071 “MAX” and 558 “Robo Squad” to advance to the finals at the Connecticut Regionals (March 29-31). Apple Pi wishes to thank our alliance partners for selecting us and allowing us to be part of the Championship pursuit. As an alliance we fell just short of first place honors, but taking the match to a third and deciding game showed that we were deserving to be there. The quarter finals and the semi finals produced some of the real exciting moments at the regional event.

Apple Pi wishes to congratulate the Cyber Knights (team 195), Birds of Prey (team 181) and the Rocketeers (team 20) for their outstanding play in the Championpionship round and their victory in the finals. We would also like to once again thank the Cyber Knights for allowing us to use their practice facility during the weeks preceding the regional events. One great example of “gracious professionalism”.

Thank you!
